What is Tier 4?
Tier 4 is a list of regulations put forth by the Environmental Protection Agency that requires non-road diesel engines to maintain at or below a specific level of exhaust gas emissions. Compliance to these regulations bring lower exhaust emissions and create a greener product, whereas non-compliance can result in fines, loss of operator rights, and suspension of operating licenses.
Here are three of the ways your machine can help you reach Tier 4 compliance.
1: Advanced Control Systems and Algorithms
Controllers can be programmed to limit the maximum power required or give priority to certain machine functions at specific times. The available power from your engine can be more accurately controlled by ramping up and down as the work requires. This helps your machine to meet Tier 4 emissions by lowering the maximum energy requirement from the engine itself and increasing overall machine efficiency.
2: Better Sized Components
Components that are correctly sized for the pressure and flow of the machine are often more efficient and require less energy to operate. It might seem more optimal to design a machine with components larger than necessary for future expansion opportunities, but this can lead to using more energy than required.
3: Advanced Pump Technology
Standard fixed output pumps push a fixed flow rate into the system, so the excess flow must be diverted back to the tank by an auxiliary valve. By reducing the amount of flow to only what is needed, you can reduce energy waste and heat. The pump would always be providing the maximum flow possible, even if that fluid is not being used for work. Variable output pumps can be controlled to only provide the energy required, allowing the pump to save fuel when not actively being used to perform work.
How Applied Fluid Power Can Help
Applied Fluid Power has thousands of components at our disposal to help build a system that is right for you, while ensuring that your machine meets or exceeds EPA’s Tier 4 standards. If you are producing a machine as an original equipment manufacturer, compliance can be a significant consideration for potential customers. We have industry experts who can help you locate the exact source of energy inefficiency and the right component(s) to alleviate the problem. Use our contact form to get in touch with our experts so we can help you make your machine Tier 4 compliant.
